
Justina B.

Tour Guide at Iona College

Class of 2020

Hometown: Wingdale, NY

Major: Speech Pathology

I felt that I have Moved The World by...

I felt that I Moved The World by going on one of the Midnight Runs to Manhattan. Many of the people we came across relied on us to have what they needed and when we delivered you could see by their facial expressions and their gestures how grateful they were. I can't wait to do more of these mission trips and really feel like more of an impact on those around me.

What is your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place on campus is the Harry Potter room in the library. I usually get distracted anywhere else on campus when I have a ton of homework to do and if I spend about 2 hours in the Harry Potter room, it's guaranteed that I'll get all my work done.

What has been your most memorable experience at Iona?

My most memorable experience at Iona so far was when I was helping out at the Success Center and tutoring younger kids at the beginning of my Freshman year. I used to teach younger kids how to dance, but tutoring them in school subjects was something new for me. Even though I didn't choose Education as my major, it was always so sweet seeing the faces of the kids light up when they saw their tutor for the day.

I chose to attend Iona College because...

I chose Iona because of the friendly/family atmosphere that I feel at all hours of the day. No matter where I'm going I always see someone from class, my residence hall or even my floor and I never hesitate to say hi and stop for a conversation. I really wanted to go to a college where I felt positive energy from all angles and I feel as if I accomplished that when I decided to come to Iona!

I'm passionate about...

Dancing Helping Others Community Service Teaching and Guiding Kids

I'm involved with...

Gael Guide
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