
Meghan W.

Tour Guide at Iona College

Class of 2020

Hometown: Wappingers Falls, NY

Major: Political Science

Minor: Dance

I chose to attend Iona College because...

I love how close Iona is to the City. It is easy to get on a train to go see a show or get a really great internship. I also love how many opportunities there are to help people and serve the community. There are many different service projects that are hosted by the Campus Ministers and many different mission trips that help people all over the country and the world.

I felt that I have Moved The World by...

I'm not sure if I have moved the world yet, but I'm working really hard to be able to.

What is your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place on campus is the East Hill because it's a nice place to relax and see everything going on around campus.

What has been your most memorable experience at Iona?

My most memorable experience at Iona was going on a Mission trip to Mississippi. We went for a week and during that time we were camp counselors for kids who were from really low income families and foster care. That week was the best week of my life and I became really close to my group and I love all of them so much.

I'm involved with...

Student Government Association Dance Ensemble
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