
Anessa W.

Tour Guide at Iona College

Class of 2019

Hometown: Albany, NY

Major: Public Relations

I chose to attend Iona College because...

Coming from a small town, New Rochelle is a great medium between Albany and New York City. The small campus gives you the advantage to know most, if not all, the people you walk by every day. I’ve made so many different friends from different backgrounds here, that teach me so many new things!

What is your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place is Starbucks! Starbucks is always my daily stop on campus with friends!

I felt that I have Moved The World by...

I felt I have moved the world by being open to helping anyone in any situation the best I can. Working the front desk in most of the residence halls put me in the position to meeting many people and sometimes even being a listening ear or giving an opinion.

What has been your most memorable experience at Iona?

Being around so many genuine people and having great experiences all the time, between trips to New York City and having adventures or just staying on campus and making the best out of a snow day, it's hard to choose.

I'm involved with...

Front Desk Worker
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