
Jillian M.

Tour Guide at Iona College

Class of 2018

Hometown: Brookfield, CT

Major: Speech Pathology

Minor: Social Work

I chose to attend Iona College because...

I loved the family atmosphere! I noticed people stopping and giving hugs, and yet my tour guide explained that despite that, they meet new people all the time!

I felt that I have Moved The World by...

By getting involved with Mission Trips (to Ireland, Zambia, and Chicago)! I learned so much about the beautiful culture and diversity in each place and how to advocate for those we served when we came back!

What has been your most memorable experience at Iona?

My freshman year my mom came to Relay For Life at Iona because she is a cancer survivor! While I was busy setting up decorations, ALL of my new friends, roommates, and even strangers came up to her and made her feel at home. It just proved to me that Iona is such a wonderful community.

What is your favorite place on campus?

My floor (6th floor, Conese Hall)! Being a Campus Minister at Iona, I am placed in a sophomore dorm (as a junior) to help build community and my residents are the most thoughtful and kind people who make my day all the time! It's such a welcoming atmosphere up here in Conese!

I'm passionate about...

Serving Others Serving God Social Media Running Baking

I'm involved with...

Campus Ministry Gamma Lambda Rho sorority Orientation Leader Iona Speech and Hearing Club
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