
Kathleen B.

Tour Guide at Iona College

Class of 2018

Hometown: Hewlett, NY

Major: Dual Early Childhood Education

I chose to attend Iona College because...

the close community feel when you walk on campus and how close it is to New York City.

What is your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place is either East Hall hill or Spellman Dining Hall. The hill you can just go and sit and relax after a long and stressful day or in between classes. It is especially nice during the Spring. Spellman is also my favorite place because no matter what time of day it is, you see a familiar face and end up having a conversation that lasts longer thna you expect. It really makes your day.

What has been your most memorable experience at Iona?

My most memorable experience at Iona so far would be going to New Orleans on a mission trip for a week last January.

I felt that I have Moved The World by...

encouraging others, whether it's friends or classmates, daily.

I'm passionate about...

Spending Time with Family & Friends

I'm involved with...

Gaelic Society Edmund Rice Society Gael Guide
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