Tour Guide at Iona College
Class of 2019
Hometown: Valhalla, NY
Major: Finance
It is very hard to choose just one memorable experience at Iona. However, if I had to choose just one I would have to choose the mission trip that I went on last year to New Orleans. While there, we helped and learned more about the local New Orleans community focusing on themes such as social justice, poverty, and the environment.
My story is kind of unique for why I decided to go to Iona. I am the 7th person from my family to go to Iona. By no means was it a forgone conclusion that I would attend however. I applied to 16 schools in total. In late April, I came to Iona and I finally realized that this was the place that I should be. Iona has an amazing community feel. I went to a small high school and live in a small community, so when I was looking at schools I was looking at places that mirrored this, and Iona was just the place. When I was walking on campus as a prospective student I just felt comfortable here, and that would be my number one advice to any prospective student, go where you are comfortable.
My favorite place on campus has to be theater in the top of Doorley Hall. This is where the theatre productions take place, and I have been apart of both the musical in the spring and the fall comedy.
Helping to promote service.